Thursday, March 24, 2011



the quality or state of being happy.
good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

Society leads us to believe that if we have a successful job, a lot of money, the best clothes or if we could just lose those last five pounds then we would be happy. Unfortunately, society lies. I cant say that I have some magic secret that guarantees you to be happy all the time, but I can say that there are a few things that we must have before we can be completely satisfied. To become a happy society, we must learn to love ourselves, for who we are, not who we think we should be.We cant expect someone else to love us if we can't love ourselves. We need to find the passion that drives each one of us. Without finding our passion, that one thing that drives every single one of us, then how can we follow the path of our lives. Finally, We should give. Now when I say give, I'm not asking you to empty your wallets. We can give each other wisdom, emotional support, or inspiration. We can give each other a much needed smile or a bit of encouragement. By giving we are not only bettering other people's day but hey, lets admit it! Giving makes us feel really good. So with that being said. This is my quest. My quest to live a happy, full life, and to make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. I like it, we can give some 'good thing' each other to make better life.. please give a comment at my blog at, I'll appreciate if you would like to be a follower, thank you..
